The Gap In Between (TGIB) is an annual event that brings together diverse agents from the global impact ecosystem to address the most urgent social and environmental challenges.

Col·lab is a triple-impact public accelerator (environmental, social and economic) that belongs to Las Naves, the Innovation Center of Valencia city council.

In the 2023 edition of TGIB Col·lab is proud to present a selection of their accelerated startups:

– At the Showcase area –

IntegrAzafat@s (invited by Las Naves). Innovative hostess agency, a pioneer in including people with disabilities in events and conferences.

Llum Virtual (invited by Las Naves). The digital platform to save on the electricity bill by sharing renewable energy.

Monnou (invited by Las Naves). Creative studio that supports brands with purpose through strategy and design actions.

Green Urban Data (invited by Caixa Popular). Environmental intelligence for healthy and resilient cities.

Umibot Robotics (invited by Generalitat Valenciana). Triple-impact autonomous mobile robotics.

Bioscore (invited by Generalitat Valenciana). Startup focused on innovation and technology for sustainable tourism.

– At the Market area –

Maminat (invited by Las Naves). Natural and organic cosmetics brand, 100% free of toxic substances, for people who take care of their wellbeing.

Voramar (invited by Las Naves). Sustainable fashion brand with social impact that creates its accessories from single-use materials, thus prolonging their life cycle for years.

Reusa’m (invited by Las Naves). The reusable packaging system for the takeaway industry.

Valua (invited by Caixa Popular). The startup that is revolutionizing the sector of Fallas artists.


In addition, on October 25th at 10:20 am, a four Col·lab startups selection from the above mentioned are going to pitch (in Spanish) at the Roket Stage.

Col-lab by Las Naves Pitch Session

1. Llum Virtual

2. Maminat

3. Monnou

4. Voramar

Don’t miss it!

Do you want more information about Col·lab public accelerator and its programs?